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Computer Questions Practice Set- 01

Computer Questions Practice Set- 01

Q.1 : A byte can hold one _______ of data.
A- Bit B- Binary digit
C- Character D- Numeric

ANS : C 

  • 1 byte may hold 1 character.
    • For Example:
      • Refer Ascii values for each character & convert them into binary.
    • This is how it works. 2^8 = 256 Characters.
    • It depends on what is the character and what encoding it is in:
      • An ASCII character in 8-bit ASCII encoding is 8 bits (1 byte), though it can fit in 7 bits.
    • An ISO-8895-1 character in ISO-8859-1 encoding is 8 bits (1 byte).
    • A Unicode character in UTF-8 encoding is between 8 bits (1 byte) and 32 bits (4 bytes).

Computer Memory Measurement Units

Sl. No Unit Description
1 Bit (Binary Digit) A binary digit is logical 0 & 1
2 Nibble 1 Nibble = 4 bits
3 Byte (B) 1 Byte = 8 bits
4 Kilobyte (KB) 1 KB = 1024 B
5 Megabyte (MB) 1 MB = 1024 KB
6 Gigabyte (GB) 1 GB = 1024 MB
7 Terabyte (TB) 1 TB = 1024 GB
Q.2 : Networks that connects a group of computers in a small geographical area is called
A- Local Area Network B- Personal Area Network
C- Wide Area Network D- Metropolitan Area Network

ANS : A 

  • Networks that connect a group of computers in a small geographical area is called Local Area Network.
  • Local Area Network is used inside an office building or inside a classroom.
  • Ethernet and WiFi are the most common technologies used to build a Local Area Network.
  • Client/server LANs and peer-to-peer LANs are the two different LAN types available.
  • It provides shared access to printers, files, and other services.
  • LANs are used to connect personal computers to printers.
  • The data transfer rate of LAN ranges from 100 Mbps to 1000 Mbps.
  • The LANs are limitedly scalable.

Wide Area Network spans large locality and connected countries together.

  • Internet is the biggest Wide Area Network.
  • It is usually made up of several connected LANs 

Personal Area Network is used for communication among computers and different information technological devices close to one person.

  • Bluetooth is an example of a Personal Area Network.
  • It ranges single user’s environment within 10 meters to 30 feet.
  • It is safe from third-party interruptions, 

Metropolitan Area Network is a data network designed for a town or city.

  • Cable TV network is an example of a Metropolitan Area Network.
  • The network size falls intermediate between LANs and WANs.
Q.3 : The collection of billions of interconnected webpages are transferred by using :

ANS : A 

  • HTTP
    • The Hypertext Transfer(HTTP) is an application layer protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems.
    • HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web, where hypertext documents include hyperlinks to other resources that the user can easily access, for example by a mouse click.
    • The development of HTTP was initiated by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in 1989.
  • Webpage
    • A webpage is a hypertext document provided by a website and displayed to a user in a web browser.
    • A website typically consists of many web pages linked together in a coherent fashion.
  • Web browser 
    • A web browser is an application software for accessing the World Wide Web.
    • It shows a web page from a particular website and retrieves the necessary content from a web server, and then displays the page on the user’s device.
    • Web browsers are used on a range of devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • FTP(File Transfer Protocol)
    • The File Transfer Protocol is a standard communication protocol used for the transfer of computer files from a server to a client on a computer network.
    • FTP is built on a client-server model architecture using separate control and data connections between the client and the server.
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
    • SMTP is a set of communication guidelines that allow the software to transmit electronic mail over the internet is called Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
    • It is a program used for sending messages to other computer users based on e-mail addresses.
Q.4 : What does VOIP stands for ?
A- Voice over inner protocol B- Voice over internet panel
C- Vocal Over internet Protocol D- Voice over Internet Protocol


  • VOIP is an acronym for Voice Over Internet Protocol, or in more common terms phone service over the Internet.
  • If you have a reasonable quality Internet connection you can get phone service delivered through your Internet connection instead of from your local phone company.
  • VoIP is the technology that converts your voice into a digital signal, allowing you to make a call directly from a computer, a VoIP phone, or other data-driven devices. Simply put, it’s phone service delivered over the internet. You may also hear it referred to as IP telephony, internet telephony, broadband telephony, or broadband phone service.
  • VoIP technology enables traditional telephony services to operate over computer networks using packet-switched protocols. Packet-switched VoIP puts voice signals into packets, similar to an electronic envelope. VoIP packets can be transmitted over any VoIP-compatible network, such as a local area network (LAN).
  • Because VoIP uses packets, much more information can be carried over the network to support and enhance your communication needs.
  • In addition to traditional voice services, VoIP gives you access to advanced applications that can potentially help your staff be more agile and productive. VoIP solutions aimed at businesses have evolved into unified communications services that treat all communications—phone calls, faxes, voice mail, email, web conferences, and more—as discrete units that can all be delivered via any means and to any handset, including cell phones.
Q.5 : What is the full form of PDF ?
A- Paint Document Format B- Print Document File
C- Portable Document Format D- Print Document Format


  • The full form of PDF is Portable Document Format.
  • They are typically used to distribute read-only documents that preserve the layout of a page.
  • It was developed in the early 1990s by Adobe Systems.
  • PDF provides an easy and secure approach for data transmission and sharing through emails and other sources.

Computer Questions Practice Set- 01

Q.6 : A firewall that filters a message based on the information available in the message itself is known as?
A- proxy firewall B- packet – filter firewall
C- parabolic firewall D- Window Firewall 

ANS : A 

  • Packet – filter firewall: A firewall that forwards or blocks packets based on the information in the network-layer and transport – layer headers.
  • Proxy firewall: A firewall that filters a message based on the information available in the message itself (at the application layer).
  • Parabolic firewall is not a type of firewall.
Q.7 : Which of the following term is used for illegal copying and distribution of software ?
A- Software Copying B- Software Phishing
C- Digital Piracy D- Software piracy

ANS : D 

  • Software piracy: Illegal copying, distribution, or use of the software.
    • Illegally reproducing copyrighted works and users who are knowingly in possession of illegally reproduced works are liable for penalty under various laws which vary according to country.
  • Phishing is a type of social engineering attack often used to steal user data, including login credentials and credit card numbers.
  • Digital piracy refers to the illegal act of duplicating, copying, or sharing a digital work without the permission of the copyright holder, a violation of copyright laws.
Q.8 : The space between the margin and the text is called ________.
A- Line spacing B- Paragraph spacing
C- Indent D- Index

ANS : C 

  • Indent or indentation is the increase or decrease of space between the left and right margin of a paragraph.
Q.9 : ASCII stands for ____________.
A- American Stable Code for International Interchange B- American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange
C- American Standard Code for Interchange Information D- American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ANS : D 

  • ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
  • It is a way to define a set of characters for encoding text documents on computers.
  • The ASCII codes represent computers and other communication devices that use text.
  • It was the most popular computer encoding on the World Wide Web until December 2007, after that it surpassed by UTF-8 which uses ASCII as a subset.
  • The first version of ASCII was formed in 1963. 
  • In a short time, it became very popular and widely used in the computer world.
  • It was first commercially used as a seven-bit teleprinter code promoted by Bell data services.
  • It is originally based on the English alphabet.
  • It encodes 128 specified characters into a seven-bit binary integer. Initially, it was a 6-bit character set but later it has become a 7-bit character set.
Q.10 : Which of the following is used to open a new tab on a browser ?
A- Ctrl + T B- Ctrl + A
C- Ctrl + W D- Ctrl + Y

ANS : A 

  • Ctrl + T is used to open a new tab on a browser.
  • There are different methods of opening a new blank tab or a link in a new tab in Internet browsers.
  • The following sections show you how to do both. 
    •  The fastest method to open a new tab in all browsers is to press the shortcut key combination Ctrl+T (PC users) or Command+T (Mac users).
    •  Each browser has a small icon next to the tab that is farthest to the right in the tab bar.
      • Users may click this icon to open a new tab
      • Below are examples of what these icons look like in the various browsers.

Ctrl + A : 

  • Ctrl+A is a keyboard shortcut most often used to select all text, files, pictures, or other objects while in a graphical user environment.
  • On Apple computers, the keyboard shortcut to select all is Command + A.

Ctrl + W :

  • Ctrl+W is a keyboard shortcut most often used to close a program, window, tab, or document.

Ctrl + Y :

  • Ctrl+Y is a keyboard shortcut most often used to redo an action reversed using the undo.

Computer Questions Practice Set- 01

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