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List of Important Headquarters of International Organizations

Important List of Headquarters and International Organisation :


Short Information : International organization have been formed with the aim of helping to set the international agenda, strengthen political relationship, providing a place for developmental initiatives.

This article will give relevant information about the various international organizations and their headquarters, and it will be useful for all competitive examinations.


1. The Commonwealth : It was originally known as The British Commonwealth of Nations. It is an association of sovereign and independent states which formally made of the British empire.

Members : 53

Headquarter : London.


2. Asian Development Bank : ( ADB ) : 

Established : November 1989

Objective : To promote regional economic cooperation.

Headquarter : Manila


3. Group of 7 or G7 : 

Established : Sept. 22 1985

Objective : To promote cooperation among major non-communist economic powers.

Members : France, Germany, Japan, UK, US, Canada and Italy


4. Group of 20 ( G20 ) : 

Established : 1999

Objective : For cooperation and consultation on matters pertaining to the International Financial System.

Members : 20


5. International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) : 

Established : June 23, 1894

Objective : To promote the Olympic ideas and administer Olympic games

Members : 105 active members, 32 honorary members.

Headquarter : Laussane, Switzerland.


6. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation ( SAARC ) : 

Established : Dec. 8, 1985

Objective : To promote economic , social and cultural cooperation

Members : Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka & Afghanistan.

Headquarter : Kathmandu


7. World Metrological Organization ( WMO )  : 

Established : Oct. 11, 1947, Effective from April 4, 1951

Objective : Specialised  UN Agency concerned with meterological cooperation

Members : 188.

Headquarter : Geneva.


8. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ( NATO ) : 

Established : April 4, 1949

Objective : Mutual defence and cooperation

Members : 29

Headquarter : Brussels


9 European Union : 

Established : April 8, 1965. Effective on July 1, 1967

Objective : to create a United Europe in which member countries would have such strong economic and political bonds that war would cease to be a recurring fact.

Members : 27 ( after the exit of United Kingdom in2016 ).

Headquarter : Brussels ( Belgium ).

Got noble peace prize in 2012.

The euro is the official currency of the eurozone, which consists of 19 of the 27 member states of European Union : Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Solvenia and Spain.


10. International Red cross and Red crescent Movement : 

Established : 1928

objective : To promote worldwide humanitarian aid

Headquarter : Geneva

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