Short information : One post secretary of Konark P.A.C.S Ltd to be filled up by way of direct recruitment on mark basis application form can be obtained in person from the office of the konark P.A.C.S. Ltd at Konark on payment of Rs : 100 /- from date : 21 / 07 / 2021 to 10 / 08 / 2021during 11 : A.M. to 4 : P.M . The dully field in application form with required documents as per application form and money receipt is support of deposit the recruitment fees should be submitted in the office of konark P.A.C.S Ltd At / po : konark in person and observing covid – 19 guideline and obtain the acknowledgement receipt latest by 05 : P.M. of date 13 / 08 / 2021. The application received beyond date line or incomplete application will not be entertained.
Post date : 29 July 2021
Odisha Secretary Post Recruitment : 2021
Educational qualification : 1. The candidate must be a permanent resident of the area of operation of konark P.A.C.S. Ltd . 2. The candidate outside the area of operation of the society but within the area of the Block / District . concern may apply for the post but there candidates can only be considered if no eligible candidates is found from the area of operation of the society. 3. The candidate must be a graduate in any discipline from any recognized university. 4. He / she must be knowledge in computer application from a recognized university or institution. 5. Preference / additional point shall be given to the candidate having higher Diploma in Cooperative management M.A / M.Sc / M.Com / MBA / LLB / BCA / Diploma in cooperative management .
Age : The age of the candidate should not be less than 21 years or more than 32 years of age as on : 01 / 04 / 2021. The upper age limit should be 37 years in respect of person belonging to SC/ ST / OBC including SEBC / Physical handicapped person / ex servicement . The upper age limit should be 45 years in respect of person employed in any cooperative society.
Salary and other service : The service condition including the salary shall be governed as per the provisions of the OCS Acts and rules bye laws of the society and the guidelines of the R.C.S. BBSR Issued from time to time and subject to capacity to pay the P.A.C.S. Ltd.
N.B. : the committee of the management of th P.A.C.S Ltd. reserve all rights of additions, alternation and cancellation of recruitment process as and when felt necessary without assigning any reason thereof.
N.B : Candidate can read the details notification before apply.
Download Notification : Click here
+2passed 310 mark